Friday, 18 January 2013

Blackmilk Gamer Swimsuit

Definitely need one of these awesome swimmers

Tee Dress

This look!!!

Messy Bun

       So hard to get it right, but messy buns are perfect when you do. It's like a mix of party & pretty

One of the most amazing dresses I have ever seen


                                             High waisted matching underwear! Very cute

Starting to love overalls

                                         In love with Lara Bingle and the hard edge look



Fashion is so many different things. It can simply be the clothes you wear to an entire lifestyle, and that's what's so great about fashion- it's versatility. The fact that people dont need to talk at all to make a statement is amazing. The fact that you can tell someone's personality just by looking at them is incredible. The fact that anyone can express themselves through pieces of manufactured martial is astonishing. Fashion is crazy. From Prada and Gucci to Bardot and Supre, fashion truly exceeds to everyone even if they dont know it.